
Thursday 27 November 2008

A Wednesday

Wednesday night 10.45 PM
It was a perfect match, India ahead in the series with 5-0, Yuvi and Viru in top form what more we can ask for? But we wanted more, so after presentation ceremony we switched to NDTV for Shonali Chandra and Jadeja's analysis. The Breaking News was flashing at the screen about a gang war and some sphoradic firing at couple of places in Mumbai including the CST station.

Several ours later, as I am writting this post, a lot has been seen and said, and a lot has yet to be done.
India's Home Minister resigned.
Maharashtra's Dy CM resigned.
Maharashtra's CM will resign some time soon (I hope, he will)
We lost our 3 top cops and many other brave commandos.
City under siege for well around 60 hours.
Endless Breaking news, chat shows, live coverage, leads and fallouts of this terror attack.

The trauma,anger, rage, apathy, frustrations, fear Mumbai and for that matter an entire nation is going through this bundle of emotions. Needless to say we will bounce back..we have to get back to normal because we just can't afford to hold back.

Mumbai has seen a lot, our trains are not safe, neither Raiways stations nor buses, not even cinema halls, they striked at our public places, we can't go to cafe' or restaurants now, not at bazaars and temples.Please tell us a single place which is safe in this city?

Earlier these photographs used to remind us the good time we spent near Taj and Gateway. But now they have succeeded to wipe out these good memories. Taj won't be the same. Mumbai won't be the same again.

It all started with 1993 and 15 years down the line,after 15 attacks to the city, we are still at ground zero.

I always belived that, Mumbai is India's maximum city, True, it has been through maximum pain as well. Our helplessness often glorified with the name of Mumbai Spirit.

'A Wednesday' is a movie that depicted a trauma of a Common Stupid Mumbaikar, who is scared of going out today. Nobody is cared about his life. Naseeruddin Shah excellently portrayed the character who is on a mission to teach a lesson or two to Mumbai Police and in a way to entire system. Alas! all these things happen in movies. We still haven't learned our lesson.
All we can do is thank god that we are alive today....cynical but true.

Monday 24 November 2008


I can shamelessly admit that "I am a BIG fan of BIG Boss", I just loved the concept and no matter how manupulative and TRP driven the show was, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Alas it came to an end (and my roomies sighed a relief!) We got the most unexpected Big Boss for this season. Ashutosh Kaushik, as few still searching in their memory for this name. It's a guy from Saharanpur who not only won BB 2 and took a hefty amount of 1 crore but also was a winner of MTV rodies 5.0.
As Rodies still being the popular show amongst youngsters for most of the Indian Junta it was the as unfamiler name as of Alina (watte boring lady she is .... YAWWWWN)

Till day, I used to believe that Dhoni is the luckiest guy on the planet earth. Undoubtedly Dhoni has got the talent but he has got far more than he deserves (I can see few eyebrows raised). Cmmon, I mean, he has been at right place, at right time with right kind of people. Otherwise who would have thought of a downright bad wicket keeper becoming the most successful captain of Indian cricket team in his 4 years short career?

So back to Ashu bhaiyaa! this lathmar from Saharanpur end up fetching 1 Crore cash for Big Boss 2 and an alleged link-up with Diana Hayden was a bonus.

Where all these voters came from?

Ok, accepted that we are not all that naive for not to understand demographics of so called 'reality shows'. But even after that how can one be so damn lucky?