
Monday 25 August 2008

BOMB'e Meri Jaan

People look at Mumbai as a city of dreams and also they call it a city that never sleeps. That's not fair! You can't have dreams without a sleep. But this is what Mumbai all about. I see it as an unfair city.

Mumbai is rude, arrogant and sometimes unfairly supportive to their people (that is evident from crowd's showoff in cricket stadium) but still we just love to be the way we are. We never claimed that it is the best city of the country (we can not), living here is just a constant struggle but it teaches the survival in it's own way.

The city that is paying more than 50% of country's tax, have been an economical power house for decades, is now dying. Be it natural calamities or political power game or the terror, that strikes the city every now and then.

It got hits at every places where it hurts the most. The city is still standing tall. I always wonder what keeps this city going? Is that what they call a MUMBAI SPIRIT? or it's just a glorified name we have given to our fear and helplessness that says "We just can not afford to hold back"

I, Being a Mumbaikar by birth was very keen about the movie 'Mumbai Meri Jaan' that claimed to talk about spirit of Mumbai city.

That reminds me, one more thing about Mumbai, everyone here is Mumbaikar as you do not need to born here to be one (perhaps that is the best and the worst thing with this city). As soon as you learn to board in local train during rush hour you are Mumbaikar,
you started loving Wada-Paav you are a Mumbaikar,
Irrespective of how filthy it gets in rain, if you still enjoy Mumbai rain you are Mumbaikar,
you find Juhu and Girgaon chowpatty beautiful, you are Mumbaikar,
If you call cops "Pandu" , if you ask for extra paav with Paav Bhaaji and finds nothing wrong with Bhelpoori\PaniPoori and Chinese stalls, then for sure you are a Mumbaikar.

So, 'Mumbai Meri Jaan' talks about Mumbaikar, about the pain, fear, tribulations and constant struggle Mumbaikar faces, particularly post 7/11 bomb blasts that stirred the city all over again. The 5 protagonists of the movie belongs to different stratum of the city.

The first one is Madhavan, a well-to-do, white collar professional who thinks and cares about the society, prefers public transport over a personal vehicle just to avoid pollution and traffic chaos, turns down every foreign opportunity just to stay back with the family ( and in his own nation). But one fine day he discovers that his city is not as safe as it used to be. He survives in bomb blast but develops a phobia about it.

There is Soha Ali Khan representing breed of new born journalists, who believe in selling the sensational breaking news rather than telling it with sensitivity. Her life gets thrashed upside down when she becomes news herself. Rupali (Soha) loses her fiance in a blast and her own channel try to capture and capitalize on that incidence. The special report "Rupali banee Rudali" excellently depicts today's TRP Crazy News media.

Third one is K Kay Menon, an unemployed Mumbaikar, a fanatic who believes every Muslim is a terrorist. The one who prefers to stay unemployed rather than working for Muslims.

Irrfan Khan, representing that class of Mumbai, which is continuously denied, refused by so called upper class of the society. Soon he finds out his own way of taking revenge on these people. He utilizes the post blast panic and trauma, as his weapon.

And then there are Tukaram Patil\Inspector Kadam (Paresh Rawal\ Vijay Maurya) from Mumbai Police;the so called guards of sanity and harmony of this city. One who is about retire from his duty and another is still new, enthusiastic and sincere about his job. Learning the psyche of the city in their own way.

All the above 5 protagonists represents every Mumbaikar in one way or the other. There are few threads that ties them together, that are their helplessness but at the same time, a hope for better tommorow. The movie amazingly blends both the things. It touches some more areas like Sunil More (a constable who raped a teenage girl in Police Station), attack on World's Super Power, brain drain etc.
If you like to watch the movies that make you think. Then 'Mumbai Meri Jaan' is movie for you.

It's surely at least 30 minutes stretched, sometimes gets boring, sometimes overstates its point and sometimes goes in documentary mode. But if you can neglect these, then Movie is good.

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