
Monday 4 May 2009

'aatli baatli futali'

True, 'aatli baatli futali'

Every time when we used to play Hide n' Seek and whenever someone mistakenly spot anyone assuming that he is someone else, we used to shout 'Aatli baatli futalu'. No matter how silly it sounds we never stopped shouting.

Somewhere 'aatli baatli futali' symbolizes a reality check, something that you have thought of is not there, never been there.

I have always believed that Mumbai is the most lively city in India (Perhaps in the world). Be it's festivity, it's chaos, it's craze about movies and cricket, it's social and political awareness all this entirely sum up the so called SPIRIT OF MUMBAI. But what I saw on 30th made me think that, are we Mumbai-kars are just bunch of losers? Who can only crib, complain, comment on existing system? Are we united only for candle vigils or city marathon race? Are we worth blabbering on television talk shows?

Ministers and politicians are so easy targets but when it comes to us, aren't we equally responsible for this system. Karan Johar says "Kuchh nahi badalega" , it sounds so true dude!

Less than 40% voters turn-out and why not most of the hotels in Matheran and Mahabaleswar were 100% booked. That's what we are. And we deserves politicians like this.

And for those who were at home, just did not vote. Because they think that their vote won't change anything then they belong to the country where you need to make wearing helmet compulsory and need to ask people to stand up in cinema halls for national anthem.

Is it so difficult to understand that elections not only gives right 'to elect' but also 'to reject' somebody whom you do not want to see in Power. And 57% Mumbairs just blew their right in air.

If next time someone complains about the system, just show them a middle finger.

1 comment:

  1. Phew - U are truly frustrated - Aren't u?

    Looking from a different perspective...

    1. The other % of the ppl who came ahead n voted - Do u think they voted for someone who'll bring a change in the society? U know abt the leaders/candidates - They promise big - But deliver nothing!
    Take this - I vote for a person who was from IIT who came into politics taking "Change" mantra as the main agenda - He had a corporate approach, well defined principles/plans/solutions for the constituency! He lost to the opposition illiterate who was a local gunda and also the previous winner in the same constituency!!! Pathetic isn't it! But am I to be blamed or shown the middle finger when I complain? Why should I suffer just becoz my neighbour voted for the gunda? But that's the power of democracy isn't it - It's not an individual choice - It's the majority! Majority wins here!!! Accept n move on - That's all we can do!

    2. What will a person do incase he finds that none of the candidates in his constituency is fit for getting his vote? Come to the vote booth and declare that he doesnt want to vote? Taking into account the attitude of a normal person I dont think he'll do that!!!
