
Monday 22 June 2009

Thodasa Rumani Ho Jaye_Part3

This is the third part of this series. In case you are interested please read earlier 2 posts below
Part 1, Part 2

Me: “Let’s take a cab”
Sirji:”Can we walk?”

Now those who know, Taj to Nariman Point isn’t a walk able distance. Sirji was ruining my birthday but somehow I do not want to keep him alone in such a situation. Sirji and his babe were so different from each other from every aspect but that’s why they call “Opposite attracts” or perhaps that’s what it is. Just an ‘attraction’ I mean she is so beautiful and it’s obvious for sirji to fall for her. But what did she look in him?
Or frankly ‘what should one look for in a companion?’ I and Sirji were just walking together without any word. I did not want to finish my 26th birthday over a Bhelpoori. When we came near to Dilli Darbar, I asked Sirji.

Me: “Can we at least have a chicken biryani here?” he nodded. (Goshh!! He looks so funny while thinking.) Thankfully he not only agreed to Biryani but also gave up the thought of walking all the way to chowpatty. I came back home and told mom.

Me: “Yes, please find a girl for me” I surrendered myself in safe hands. I knew mom is going to look for well educated, well cultured a beautiful Indian Bahu. Love is painful and who knows it’s not meant for me. Honestly I felt a bit relaxed to the extent that I forgot that I have code review next day.
I reached late to the office. And I found a mail from ‘dude’ in my inbox saying “Dude! I am back”
Well dude is a friend of mine. Besides he starts his every sentence with word ‘dude’, he is quite irritating. He is good looking, smart, popular and always surrounded with girls (beautiful as well) He was just back from Dallas’s 4 months assignment which I believe I should have got. So in short there were ample reasons for me to be not-so-happy with his arrival. As we entered I felt a bit dizzy. Was that chilled conf room? Or last night’s spicy biryani? Or code review nerves? I saw ‘Dude’ sitting next to projector as I walked towards him. Freaky…… I fainted….dhappp!!!

As I opened my eyes I found myself in medical inspection room. And there was someone. What the!!!

.............................End Of Part3

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