
Wednesday 2 June 2010

6th December 1992

"Aho kashala netay tyala shalet? kahi gadbad hou shakte ki" ("Why are you taking him to school? There might be some problem") my neighbour warned my mother as she was taking me to school at around 6:30 in the morning. However there were many speculations going around those days and my mother chose to give a deaf ear to friendly neighborhood's advice.

1992, I was in 4th standard and preparations for scholarship exam were in full swing, but somehow during lunch break we have been told that they are calling off for the day and afternoon batch will not have any classes. Then, I used to live in Kurla, ~70% Muslim populated and supposed to be communal sensitive area. My school was in Sion, and I used to come to school by train, 4th standard kid is too little to travel by his own, specially when the situation is not ideal.

But what was the situation out there? For 9 years old it was a bit more complex to comprehend. School authorities were not allowing kids to travel by their own and hence we have been asked to wait until parents will come to pick us up. The school was 80% empty by 11:00 AM and as time passed the eerie feeling was sulking in, even the empty school ground was not appealing any more, I was waiting there for almost 4 hours now and feeling of hunger was far away. It was 3:00 PM and there were only 4 of us, me, Praful, Trupti and  a peon (we used to call him mama). Trupti's mom came to take her home and as per what she told to mama, things were really bad out there. All I care was to go home. 30 minutes later I saw my both parents. I was happy to see mom there but equally surprised to see my father (isn't he supposed to be in office by now?) They thanked mama for staying with us and took me and Praful to nearest restaurant Gurukripa. The owner was about to close for the day at 3:45, but when he saw 2 kinds he allowed us to get in and we had some food. Soon Praful's dad came in and took him.
"What's the matter, what took you so long?" the obvious question from me to parents.
"There are no trains and we came walking till here" mom replied,
"So how would we get back to home?" I asked again.
"We will get to the Sion station and see how the things are" as baba replied, we have started walking towards station.
There was a huge crowd waiting at Sion station, railway announced one special train to Kalyan, may this was our only chance to get in train and reach home as soon as we can. We were desperate, so as every other person on that station. Somehow we could catch that train and reached home. There were policemen all over the place making even the daily route look so unfamiliar. There was a mosque almost 50 meter away from my home, and you could see it from window, as soon as we entered the home, my mom closed the window and said this will remain close for few days at least. Perhaps the first sign of fear coming to home. As I was at home my parents were still worried about both of my sisters who were still in college. One in Vidyavihar- a nearby suburb to Kurla and another at Mahim - an equally sensitive area. It took us 5:00 to reach home, an hour later my elder sister returned home. and by 6:30 we got a call that my second sister has reached safely at my aunt's place in Vile-Parle.

I have been told that my school will be closed for some days now. "Wow!!!"  that was my first reaction. Ignorance is bliss...very true. Someone called us, saying get to the terrace there is one jewellery shop has been set on fire. Of course I have been asked to stay at home only. But no school for few days, I was really happy. I went to the sleep without worrying that I need to get up early for school tomorrow.

This post is not to open any debate or make any stand. It's neither to support or oppose what happened on and after 6th's just to tell what happened on 6th December from a 9 year old's point of view. But almost 18 years later I still do not know what we got out of it. Some might say it's Hindu's revenge, some might say a payback or some might call it an action better late than never. It's still hard to comprehend for me what all this worth for? Perhaps only raam jane (God Ram only knows)

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