
Thursday 17 June 2010

Not SO Feverish

Well As everyone is saying...FIFA World Cup Fever is ON but I am not feeling so start with I have never been a follower of soccer or foolball to say. But the sudden need arises every time when world cup comes...I remember my campus recruitment days when one of the interviewer asked about the previous days soccer match. The poor soul had no idea about it and the interviewers was amused. Ok I agree that soccer craze is picking up in India but give us a break...we are just not in it. 
It's 90 minutes of sheer excitement, full on adrenaline rush, dribble, tackle, kick and save, yeah we agree with all that but somehow the treatment you get when you save that "No, I do not watch football" is quite interesting. It's like "Oh you don't follow soccer and you like cricket?" is on same line as "Oh you don't like Facebook and you are still on Orkut?" Somehow for last few years Soccer taken over THE BEAUTIFUL GAME image (or reputation of Classy Sport), ofcorse it is THE MOST popular sport in the world, but not in India and certainly not to me.
I am still Ok, with genuine sport lovers who follow every league and championship, what piss me off the fake followers who emerges in every 4 years. I am sure most of them just browse few webpages so that they can brag about the sport over a lunch\dinner and coffee. And even most importantly can put it on their FB status, almost 7 out of 10 are FBees are putting something related to soccer on their status, perhaps unable to do so will make them out of sync. I have never heard team names like Ghana, Honduras, Ivory Island before; so forget about knowing their players name. I know my random rambling about the game is of no use but I just want to say to all those once-in-4-years soccer fans just stop faking it. It's ok if you don't watch Soccer....!!!


  1. You know what? Ivory Coast has some good players from Barca, Chelsea and Arsenal - Like Drogba, the captain and Kalou from Chelsea... Though Brazil is ever fav team in FIFA with Max supporters, I am supporting Spain this time... They have lot of Good players from Barca n Real Madrid! Torres 4m Liverpool n Fabregas from Arsenal made the decision easier! But after watching ystday's match I was heartbroken! Losing to Swiss was the last thing Spain wanted!

    And England drawing with USA was the pathetic thing that cld happen! Now England is not the best team out there... But come on - They played an idiotic game! And the main issue with FIFA is that the players who give their life for league matches hardly show 50% of the same skill/effort for FIFA!

    Note - Inputs taken from Aravind who is a Football Freak and has been following League and FIFA for the past 10 years! Now you know why I made this comment :P

  2. Thanks Prabha for proving what I meant

  3. ^^^^^^^^^
    hahahaha - Eggjactly! :D
