
Monday 22 November 2010

Guzarish - Welcome to Bhansali Land

How to make a Bhansali Movie?

Take lots of Black, Blue and Red color for the background.
Pick up protagonist with severe physical disability and mixed it up with over caring, high pitched care taker e.g.teacher\nurse.
Sprinkle some caring and loving supporting cast around the protagonist.
Some cliche', stereotypical characters to add struggle and melodrama
Haunting villa and background score to bring mystical atmosphere.

And you are all set to make yet another Bhansali Movie, set in Bhansali Land [something that is no way related to real world with absolutely no sense of time, distance and location]

But Bhansali is undoubtedly one of the most clever director, you criticize his film and might sleep into shoes of oh-that-insensitive-guy who-could-not-shed-a-tear-watching-black (or Guzarish)
There are things that works for and against Guzarish.

Starting with negatives - Guzarish never makes sense, now I know, we can not expect LOGIC from Bollywood movie but it should come from someone like Bhansali.
Ethan's [Hrithik] near death accident is actually a sabotage, strangely he knows that but there is nothing done about it,
a huge villa that can give Salarjung museum run for it's money is where Ethan is living but with bank balance of where he can pay Sophia [Aishawarya] her salary for maximum 2 months.
What made Ethan, someone who is so much full of life, suddenly asking for mercy killing?

Director never bother to ask or answer any of these questions so give a blind eye to it and then surrender yourself to Bhansali world, that is black, blue and beautiful.

Hrithik - Aishwarya makes  one of the best looking pair we have ever had and they got the chemistry going over here as well. Aishwarya acting in her 3rd Bhansali venture knows the tone of the director and she tunes herself UP accordingly. Hrithik is simply marvelous as Ethan. With less flashbacks, he mostly acts with his eyes and hair, but his English is still hard to understand [I somehow never get whenever he talks in English]
Supporting cast is good and works well with the movie. Precisely there isn't much with story and screenplay and few lump in a throat moments are mainly because of its lead pair. Bhansali catches the mood well with his kind of music and background score.
Overall Guzarish is a well made movie with excess melodrama. People with high appetite for emotions will love it for sure.

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