
Thursday 31 March 2011

Guest Post: Patriotism; Nationalism; Sport

Yet another guest post, This time from Tuhin - Argumentative as ever; Indian by birth; Australian by nature. And for me an asshole by all means...anyways as he says about himself  "i'm a brilliant writer..... dil se likhta hun... when i actually get excited to write about something..." here is something straight from his heart.

Nationalist Jingoism disgusts me. While I can understand and identify with the feeling of patriotism, and often find myself feeling patriotic towards two countries that I have been (or am) a citizen of; I try my best to not get carried away in the nationalistic fervour that grips each nation every so often. I'd rather assess the goods and the bads, the pluses and the minuses of a country in a rational manner, and be disturbingly blunt in talking about them. 

Those close to me will know this wasn't always the case. Just ask Abhijit about the countless hours spent discussing Gandhi, Baabri Masjid, Mumbai Riots, Godhra and every other event that happened in India between 1990 and 2004. More often than not, I along with almost everyone else but Abhijit used to be on the extremist end of the argument. Abhijit being the self appointed voice of rationalism (then again, he's always been a psuedo-intellectual, and acts as such)!  Looking back, those were great arguments to sharpen ones persuasive skills, and gathering the ability to debate an issue without conceding your point of view, however pointless the debate might be. Always a good corporate skill to have :D 

The reason for this post? I found myself oddly divided while watching a cricket match last week, and yet, felt feelings of jingoistic fervour yesterday, which I promise myself I seldom will. 

24th March 2011; India v Australia; Ahmedabad : Never before has a cricket game had me so divided within myself as this one. Being a big fan of Tendulkar, I've been waiting for this world cup ever since the final was announced to be held in Mumbai. Watching SRT lift the World Cup in front of his home crowd will be a moment to savour for years to come. Yet, as a fan of the Australian cricket side since before I became an Australian; it was not possible to wish that they lose. One of the two teams had to lose that day, and my only wish was, whoever wins that game better go on to win the damn World Cup.

I've always enjoyed the intensity, the aggression (and yes, the arrogance), thekhadoospana; with which the Australians play their cricket. I've been a fan of that side when they were steamrolling opponents, and I'll continue to support them when they are down and out. God knows my support for the Australian side has given myself, Abhijit and Sumit many a moments to sledge each other to kingdom come. As much as I am a fan of the Australian side, I don't really have a favourite player (save for, perhaps, Steve Waugh - but that has a lot more to do with his persona - both on and off the field - than his cricketing skills and technique). 

On the other hand, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is and and will remain my favourite cricket, yet I rarely if ever get excited about the Indian Cricket Team. (The Khadoospana might also explain why I'll follow Mumbai in the Ranji trophy regardless of where I live!)

Delving deep into my own psyche, I feel the reason why I can be a fan of Australia and SRT to the same degree yet never bring myself to get excited about the Indian cricket team lies in the way Australian team as a whole, and SRT as an Individual, go about their game. They are accomplished, aggressive, play to win at all costs, and never take a backward step. This could also be a reason why every Australian wishes for Tendulkar to score a bucketload of runs every time India comes touring. The man is a delight to watch. And I count myself lucky to have watched him score 151* at the Sydney Cricket Ground.

The only time I will get excited about the Indian cricket team, is when they are playing Pakistan. And when that happens, I don't just want Pakistan to be defeated, but I want them to be destroyed, demolished and butchered (metaphorically, of course ;) or maybe not ;) )

30th March 2011, Mohali was when that opportunity presented itself. No other matchup in any sport anywhere gets my hackles rising as India facing off against Pakistan in a cricket match. Make that in the World Cup Semi-Final, and the intensity reaches a whole new level. It is the only occasion where I'll leave rationalism aside and become entirely jingoistic towards a country that I am not ashamed to criticize at other times. But this match up makes everything else irrelevant. Consider the two messages I received before and after the game from two friends who shall remain nameless.

Kangaroo ki maari hai; ab kutton ki baari hai

Indian cricket team has done what Indian intelligence couldn't. Prevent Pakistanis from going to Mumbai.

I guess that sums it up better than I ever could, what exactly this game means to millions. And the nervous tension that I felt the night before this game, is a good reason to believe that while I'll happily sing "Advance Australia Fair" for the rest of my life, I will, always, remain - just a little bit Indian.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Tuhin,

    First of all a nice post. I can surely understand your divide, you getting torn between supporting 2 countries, whom you love and support. Anyways for us

    1. We support just the Indian Cricket team always, then be it against Australia or Pakistan or any one else. Against Australia our reasons are purely about sports or rather Cricket Dominance, while against Pakistan the reasons are more than just sports...

    2. Coming to why we want to dominate over Australia is Cricket is because of their ARROGANCE... We love their aggressiveness, their die hard attitude, but with their dominance lasting little over a decade, the aggressiveness has got converted to ARROGANCE. With losing key members, the team lost their ability, their dominance and their AURA and then crossed the line over to sledging and ARROGANCE and that is what we want to see broken and killed... Its not just India or Indian supporters, but every cricketing nation wants to see the ARROGANCE killed and that is why we want to dominate over Australia... And see we are already taking over... first the Test Top Spot.. now knocked Australia out of World Cup... So chance to take over the World Champions Title and as well the ODI top spot... Aussies beware, we are not letting this die!!! And this is not Nationalist Jingoism!!!

    Anyways, Congrats on the new job!!! :-)

  3. So India take on the title from Australia too... Now lets wait for ICC ratings to update! I hope we have taken over there as well! :-)
