
Friday 4 March 2011

They are coming....

Every time we prepare for customer visit in our project that reminds me Munnabhai M.B.B.S. The famous "BAABUJI AA RAHE HAIN" preparations. Timely updated whiteboard and posters, punctual team, breaks on coffee breaks and long telephonic conversations, formals and fake laughs on every customer comments.
Do they really buy all that? never know but we continue to do that.
I will be busy in client visit in upcoming week with no access to eblogger. Reminds me the famous 2 lines.
Boss: "Why are you not working?"
Subordinate: "I did not see you coming"


  1. hahaha... I remember... The "Customer Comes First, Success is incomplete without U, Team work wins" posters, Password enabled Screen savers, "Always available" policy, never ending meetings/mails on how to "behave" with them, client lunch/dinner with SDET's n leads where we munch our food and our Words and mostly speak nonsense, outings/shopping accompanied by those who themselves don't know anything abt Hyderabad and finally those chocolates/gifts which we get in the form of Pen Drives, caps, bags! Till we send them off with a hand made Indian Crafty Souvenir our heart rate is always higher than normal :P - Aah... I can now say - I miss all those :P

  2. Ha Ha true so true

  3. Eh? ^^ guess this was either before or after my time at HYD - I missed all this fun when I was around. A very starved looking customer came when I was there and I remember a certain SDET who used to maintain timesheets almost mandhandling me because I dared to talk to that guy :D
