
Wednesday 22 June 2011

The city in between…

This might be my gift, but I kind of guess the nature of city very quickly. Moving to Pune was my plan B. And as expected I took plan B and moved OUT of Hyderabad to reach Pune.

Now, Pune is not totally new for me, I have spent 2 months of my training over here. My first away-from-home experience was from Pune. But for various reason I never liked that city in my couple of month’s stint. As I moved back to same city after 60 months, I found the things got worse.

Let’s see what goes wrong and what works for Pune.

When I see Mumbai, I like it for its crazy speed and when I see Hyderabad, I like for its peaceful and snaillike speed. Pune stands just somewhere in between and it’s not happy sight to see. It’s neither of it and I hate it.

There are many aspects that brings city down and to start the list – is its infrastructure.

No, the city does not have BAD roads, but the city just doesn’t have roads.

The supposed InfoTech park is THE filthiest place one can see [Ok you can blame monsoon] but you just can not have it as an excuse every time. Besides the public transports works in very strange way, for example This time, first I used to stay some 25 KMs away from my workplace and I had to change 3 autos to get there. Now I stay 12 KMs away from my workplace and I have to change 4 autos. The share autos here adds whole new meaning to word sharing, u not only share fare but also sweat, breathes, germs and everything that once can have from fellow passengers. As per norms the average 6 seater auto should not kick start unless at least 16 passengers are in it. The conditions of PMT and PCMT buses are as old as AK Hangal and as bad as Baba Sehgal, cherry on the top is the auto rickshaw drivers. They charge double for being polite.

But that goes for overall Pune nature, the inherent pride of Puneites for god knows why. The once-Oxford-of-East is lot to work on it’s hospitality. Trust me being a Marathi Manoos it gets irritating for me, so its definitely tough life out there for non-Maharashtrian.

But then what works for Pune?

Weather – oh yes, the gifted climate works bigtime for this otherwise ordinary city. Secondly it’s being touching distance to Mumbai and it’s definitely safe for the women [No pepper spray Ladies]

The Pune IPL team depicts exactly what the city is about. It has everything that the city should have but chokes when it asked to perform. I am just 10 days older now and I already getting bugged up here. However it could be the long Hyderabad stint that still hanging over me.

Hope the city works for me for it’s obvious reason [if you know what I mean ;)]

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