
Wednesday 30 June 2010

Simple Things That Irritate Me - Part 1

Now, this is the area where I become certified Ass -a- hole. I have very limited zone of tolerance, anything beyond that makes me cringe, or makes me jump of my seat and shout STOP IT. Perhaps that's the reason I never had a great luck with girls. [we will talk in detail about it later]
So back to the simple things that irritates me, since there is a long list, this post comes in parts.

Ma, Mah, Moi and other Virtual World Freaks: Somehow I am unable to understand the desperate need of being CONNECTED with the world. The revolution called social networking where Orkut\Facebook\Twitter accounts are as important as (or sometimes even more important than) your passport. Initially I thought  It's amongst Teenage only. After all its the problem with that age, when 'u Typ Lik Dis' and  you find Shahid Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan as cool.
But NO, it's like Swine Flue....It's god damn everywhere and with almost everyone.
I remember sometime in 2005 when I sign up for Orkut, the first thing I did to search if someone exists with my surname, there wasn't anyone. 5 years later the count goes to whopping 500+. Yeah, it was fun initially but now it sucks bigtime, and what suck more are the addicted adolescent admirers of this world. I really don't understand their urge  to butcher every other English word e.g. MY becomes Ma, Mah or Moi for no valid reason.
And there is severity and priority of social networking, Twitter somehow belongs to elite class as most of celebs are there, getting CONNECTED with them is new IN thing. Besides its quite easy with 140 letters...tweet getting sweet. 
Then there is Facebook... undoubtedly it's becoming most popular and simultaneously most annoying product lately.
No, I do not want to update if I am having lose motions or sex, I really don't care how much u score in wazzup or what gift you want to send me from Farmville or Cafe World, Oh you beat my score in some lame quiz 'I simply DON'T CARE'. It's giving rise to new mutual admiration society, where you LIKE everything about other and you COMMENT on anything.
I remember one incidence - 
"Hey Nice pic on Facebook"
"Can you comment on the same?"
"but I am telling you na"
"Don't tell me here, please comment on photo"
But I must admit, it helps you to remember birthday's of your long-forgotten acquaintances and comes handy when someone changes his or her RELATIONSHIP STATUS or for that matter COUNTRY \CITY\ STATE, or to ghuss in or ghuss out in someone's personal matters :P
Don't misunderstood me as an asocial animal, in spite of the random rambling about these networking sites, you can catch me on Facebook & Orkut.  ;-)

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