
Monday 19 July 2010

My Perception about Inception

Movies like Inception are those smart bitches that take advantage of fooling around with people, now if you admit that you did not quite get the core of it then you end up being someone who DO NOT get the intellectual orgasm and If you say that 'you just loved it' then deep down inside somewhere it just sticked to you like a chewing gum in your hair. 
It happened with me before, with matrix, with babel, with memento and there you go with Inception again. 
Honestly I have enjoyed Inception much more than any other before mentioned movies, But can I proudly say that Yes, I got what it meant to be?...then the honest answer is NO. 
Now the concept of idea stealing is quite wide and openly available [example Pritam, Anu Malik etc etc] but how about stealing it directly from mind? before it actually came down to reality....what's even more riveting is the concept of implanting idea in someone's head? Isn't that called MANIPULATION in other words? Something that our wamps do daily in soap operas? As if you go back in days of Ramayana...that's what Manthara did to Kaikeyi or a laundryman did to Rama...

But for Christopher Nolan these are unknown territories, what he got is a simple trick of INCEPTION, done by quite emotionally unsettled Dom Cobb (played brilliantly by DiCaprio) and his bunch of experts. An idea implantation in one of leading Business Tycoon's head to split up his father's business. 
No to mention a plan perfect goes in complete haywire as one or the other surprise get introduced in this operation. 

The movie suck you into the drama from word go...but at the climax I felt compromised :P I got N versions from N number of people about what was the end happens with Nolan's movie I have been asked to watch it one more time....idea that has been incepted in me :P

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